amikor én még fiatal voltam... és nina gordon legjobbja :)
2009.01.25. 12:52
nos apátok nagyon fess fiatal ember volt; nem de ?
"Tonight And The Rest Of My Life"
Down to the earth I fell
With dripping wings
Heavy things won't fly
And the sky might catch on fire
And burn the axis of the world
That's why I prefer a sunless sky
To the glittering and stinging in my eyes
I feel so light
This is all I want to feel tonight
I feel so light
Tonight and the rest of my life
Gleaming in the dark sea
I'm as light as air
Floating there breathlessly
When the dream dissolves
I open up my eyes
I realize that
Everything is shoreless sea
A weightlessness is passing over me
Everything is waves and stars
The universe is resting in my arms
[Chorus x2]
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